Penguin of the east33 days ago
is there plans to port it to console if it gets enough success?
SpookyDesu117 days ago
what game engine is this?
Skunky.com172 days ago(+1)
it won't let me bind my controller. I am using a Nintendo gamepad controller, I don't know if it's compatible with this game.
Spiral_Drake174 days ago
Is there any plans to implement the use of a fight stick in this game at all?, I've been curious about for the past couple days since I got mine
Nalak92222 days ago
The game is great! very fun, graphically, spectacular!
a detail:
- Having to press several buttons, on PC this may be the problem, it does not respond. (Example, when you run out of lives in the single player, it asks you to press the 4 keys, and it does not respond)
howzer87228 days ago (1 edit) (+1)(-1)
I've never played a game where the back button is the Y button. Shouldn't It be A or B on an Xboxcontroller? Navigating the menu is frustrating.
robertomonstro233 days ago (1 edit) (+2)
hi, the game looks fantastic and im really curious to play it, but i think im doing something wrong:
1: i can input as the gamepad for a few buttons but cant scroll down past the c button, and even if you set it back to default it wont let you back out
2: im trying to play singleplayer but it doesnt seem to let me start the game, i think maybe its because im using the gamepad but just in case it still happens when i try the keyboard i wanted to ask
3: the keyboard controls work fine except i cant seem to use any of the action/attack buttons, let alone bring up a pause menu,
overall it looks like a fun game with a unique style and im excited to try it ^^
orangecnite239 days ago(+1)
is there any ways to play game with others lan
HellfireXIV1 year ago(+2)
I can't play the game at all. Is there a way to factory reset controls? because I can't move around and the keyboard is not responding.
shibdog1 year ago(+3)
I cannot clickanything in the main menu at all.
dasojdaodjo1 year ago(+1)
whoa is entertaining, although that does not prevent that even the tutorial is a bit complicated with the heaven difficulty, maybe a training mode where you can try the combos and different things would help, but it's great
racistterrarian1 year ago(-2)
super smash bros but gayer
Jay1 year ago(+3)
Games fun, but some more graphic optimization options would be nice, plus the controller mapping
TenkaiTheMixeon1 year ago(+4)(-1)
I understand if it isn't in the immediate plan, but it would be appreciated if a Linux version or at least Wine compatibility becomes a thing in the future. I'm on Ubuntu and tried to get it running but it kinda soft freezes on this screen after I select the difficulty in single player (music still plays but the game becomes wholly unresponsive)
barrybear12341 year ago(+1)(-2)
Hey, does anyone here know how to download/install the game? Can someone help out?
daft_doge1 year ago(+2)
Really fun! Controls were a bit of a pain to bind with an xbox controller though. Also the ability to pause would be really appreciated, the game just keeps continuing past every menu during the episode so there's never a true safe point to stop, also my controller disconnected during the last boss of the episode and I couldn't pause so I just died with no control which was a bit unfortunate. Enjoying the combo system though which is pretty satisfying, I was a bit confused by the tutorial with understanding launchers into grabs for a bit though but really enjoyed it once I got the hang of it! Also I love the character designs, Gremile is a cutie and the in between screens with them explaining the systems was nice! Excited to see the rest of this!
kurio991 year ago
Absolutely love the character designs and what you're going with here. It took me a bit to configure this to work with a generic XBOX controller but after some fiddling I got it down. I guess only thing I can say is maybe have some kind of auto-mapping feature that detects the controller? it's not a huge deal really but something for the future. Looking forward to the episode 2 stuff. On a side note (apologies if this has been addressed already) will there be alt costumes to be unlocked? seems like with how flashy (not to mention good looking) some characters are it'd be fun to be able to swap their outfits with unlockable ones
Kernog1 year ago (1 edit)
I played a few games on the current version (1.6.5), and my opinionwill be closely similar to the more recent ones.
This is a gorgeous game. Colorful, dynamic with a lot of camera work you'd expect from an AA game. The character design is great (the eye candy is a nice bonus), with voices that fit them (kudos to the main cast). It would definitely have a mainstream audience, if said eye candy was toned down a little.
On the gameplay itself, the hits feel really good to land, especially the grabs. However, the fixed camera makes the action hard to follow when the characters are on the far side of the screen. It's not really fun when you get hit from nowhere because you are in the middle of a far awaymelee, especially since there's no guard or counter.
The boss fights are reallly good, however the goblins are really horrendous to fight because of their way of fighting, the lack of targeting system, and the layout of most of the rooms.I would prefer them to be like the gnomes fromGolden Axe: bonus enemies that are only on the screen for a limited time, and the player can choose whether to conserve their life or chase them totry getting more points.
Finally, I must agree with some of the criticisms about the credit system. I get that it is to emulate the arcade machine feeling. But the chapters are so long, and the difficulty so high,that it is more an exercise in frustration than anything.It is also a flawed emulation of an arcade cabinetin itself, since at this point a player would simply put inmore quarters to continue playing.
I fear that you might chase away the audience that is mostly interested in the cool character action, the game's visuals,or more generally seekinga casual entertainment.
If you do not want to part with the credits system, please at least divide the episodes in verses, or/andallow us to define the amount of credits in the options. Allowing the player to spend their crowns to buy credits could also be an option, since it has a direct cost for the player.
tigerfox641 year ago
Love everything about this game, I really do. Just wish I could get my controller bindings all set up. I am mostly there, but unfortunately for some reason I cant scroll down with my laptops mouse pad on the input list in the options. Lol I'm not too tech savvy though and was wondering if I could get some help tips on that?
kindly_gator1 year ago
during the speed demon final stage his shock wave attack seems to high since its not on the ground and its to low to get you when you jump.
asusred131 year ago
Hey so good game but i feel that the doors in the carnival section deal too much damage also in haunted house there is a chance too be launched door to door and lose a credit
Yoshismael19641 year ago
the game does not detect neither the controller nor the keyboard
MisterMegido1 year ago
Having some major issues with 1.3 and 1.4 not recognizing the controller I'm trying to use. I tried reinstalling to no luck so far. Hop this can be patched in due time because this looks like a ton of fun!
Minoh Workshop1 year ago
I found these Let's Plays. Don't know if the devs saw them, but hopefully some people will go and and watch them!
Rayn-ard1 year ago (1 edit)
only question I've got is if couch co-op/local multiplayer is a plan for the future? other than that the only real complaint I have is sometimes bomb's explosions will take up half or more of the camera space, and I cannot tell if there's another bomb on me or if there's anyone behind said explosion at all. other than that this feels really arcade-y where everything is kind of you're fault but if you don't know what the boss/environment is gonna do it makes sense that you'll get beat up by doors or seemingly random explosions/attacks for the first couple times until you figure it out, that and playing solo is just going to bemore difficult than playing with buddies. Honestly though, I love playing through arcade games that are definitely way harder solo by myself, and I fuckin dig the artstyle and the smash bros brawl type extras, the menu design is sick as hell too, and wow I can't believe I recognized most of the artists on this through artstyle alone I am truly depraved. TLDR: game's based as fuck! just make sure you like arcade style beat-em-ups and/or have a couple friends on deck to kick some ass with, and keep in mind that there's some demo jankbut I mean, it's to be expected, it's a demo.
AssortedM9141 year ago
I cant get the input menu to work when I try to click on a button using the mouse to change it doesn't register what my switch pro controller button is being pressed it just cycles between stuff like left should, north button east button etc. I don't know if this is something I am doing wrong
SquigglyMitts1 year ago
This is an amazing game! But its tough as hell if youre not careful! I havent been able to beat the demo yet because i keep getting my ass kicked on Limbo. Though i do wish for at least single player there was a scene selection for where you died on. It can take a long time to get where you died when you have to start from the very beginning. But over all the game play is pretty fluid and you can see the passion that was put into the game.